The Senate recently voted to not have witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial, essentially saying, “We don’t want to know the truth.” “Our” president is obviously a liar, a cheat, and a corrupt thug. That’s our situation. For a long time that made me feel like a powerless victim. Yet, I hate to feel powerless, so I came upon a way to feel empowered by what’s happening in the United States. For all those who also don’t like to feel like a victim, I’ll explain how I came to make Trump my bitch and to feel fully in control.
First, some background. I initially felt myself to be a victim of Trump’s character about 20 years ago — when I briefly met him. I was going to be on the television show Geraldo for a book I had written. Trump was on the show too, and he was having his makeup done as I waited nearby to get my own makeup done. With everything the makeup artist did, Trump had a complaint. He was relentless in his criticism.
Finally, when he was finished, Trump saw I was waiting next to get my makeup done and said to me, “Don’t even bother with her. She’s really terrible.” Taken aback by his harshness, I reacted by saying eight words to our future president. I looked him straight in the eye and said, “You didn’t give her much to work with.” That’s when Mr. Trump told me to “f*ck off” and briskly walked away.